Activities for 2024

We pride ourselves on having a huge range of activities across dozens of venues and locations throughout the whole weekend of Levenshulme Pride. Full details are available in our What’s On listings but here’s a flavour of what to expect.

Remember that all activities at Levenshulme Pride are free. (excluding food and drink)

Our Brochure for 2024

The Levenshulme Pride 2024 brochure is has started distribution and is appearing in our venues now. The back cover features all our Gold Sponsors.

Levenshulme Pride 2024 Brochure front cover
Levenshulme Pride 2024 Brochure back cover

Thank You For Making Levenshulme Pride 2021 Possible

Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who made Levenshulme Pride such an amazing success this year. Our comeback was driven by our whole community and we created a wonderful weekend together.
We had dozens of venues and locations, activities and events, and stuck firm to our commitment that everything is free to attend.
Despite reservations about what would be possible this year we were bigger than ever. Our range of activities was expanded including a cabaret, poetry and spoken word, drag acts, DJs, live music, workshops, peer support group, community dementia group Pride Party, 4km run, bike ride, drag workout sessions and swimming, film screenings, food and drink offers, karaoke, dog show, community and information stalls, an art show and market, crafting, open mic night, a vigil and of course our march turning the A6 into the Gay6. Particular thanks to the police for their support including appropriately providing a panda car at the end of our march.
Our tagline of Levenshulme Pride: No Barriers works on multiple levels – economic, social, physical, cultural – to represent the principles of Levenshulme Pride as an open, inclusive, welcoming event that truly builds community cohesion, understanding and participation.
None of this would be possible without the support of sponsors, advertisers, performers, volunteers, supporters, community groups, individuals and LGBT+ organisations who partnered with us (including the LGBT Foundation providing safe sex packs, health advice and support). Thank you to the people and businesses of our wonderful community with a special mention to our main sponsor, The Levenshulme.
We are Pride with a Purpose. We are a People’s Pride. Thank you to everyone who made Levenshulme Pride possible including, of course, everyone who came along, took part and helped make Levenshulme Pride so special.
On a personal note thank you to my partner Paul Magrs who has not only been incredibly patient, understanding and supportive but also performed with an amazing cabaret routine introducing Panda, the Cat and the dreadful Teddy to the world, and provided the fabulous artwork for Levenshulme Pride.
We will be holding other activities through the year but dates for the future for our main Levenshulme Pride event are:
  • 12-14 August 2022
  • 11-13 August 2023.
Jeremy Hoad
Levenshulme Pride Organiser

We’ve Got Something For Everyone

Levenshulme Pride has a huge range of activities to suit everyone. Now in our third year we have 26 venues and locations having started with six just two years ago.

We will have entertainment of all sorts from drag acts and DJs to live music, spoken word, film screenings and theatre performance. We also provide education, health and fitness activities, mindfulness sessions, panel discussions and opportunities to reflect as well as celebrate.

Here’s a taste of some of the activities and performers in 2019:

  • Manchester Big Gay Big Band
  • Gypsy Darling
  • Gerry Potter
  • Jackie Hagan
  • Manchester Prairie Dogs Line Dancing
  • Stalls extended to Saturday and Sunday
  • March turning the A6 into the Gay6
  • Levante Samba Band
  • The Vegan Queens
  • Creative Workshop for teenagers with additional needs
  • Annabelle Lecter
  • Azure
  • The Circus House Acrobatic Workshop
  • Drag Workouts
  • Avril Taylor Cher and Tina Turner Tribute Act
  • Yoga
  • Night Market Disco and DJs
  • Shine Tea Party
  • Vigil
  • Community Choir
  • Sexual Health Clinic
  • Dog Show
  • Freddie Mercury Tribute Act
  • Bike P-Ride
  • Film screenings
  • Gay Men’s Writing Group
  • Zacc Rogers Blues Night
  • Cheese Club
  • Comedy Workshop for 6-11 Kids
  • Cakes and Food offers
  • 5km Rainbow Run
  • LGBT themed tattoos
  • RuPanda’s Drag Race (for kids of all ages)
  • Face Painting and Glitter Beards
  • Mindful Textiles and Art Workshops
  • Free gym passes

Levenshulme Pride Brochure and Programme

Our brochure for Levenshulme Pride 2019 is being finalised now and will be winging its way to the printer tomorrow. Keep an eye out for brochures appearing around Levenshulme, in the Gay Village and other locations in the city centre from the end of next week.

Our programme of activities will be available the week before Levenshulme Pride as a printed information sheet. This will also be available here on our website and social media so you can see everything that’s happening.

Transgender Day Of Visibility

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility 2019.

Levenshulme Pride celebrates all our trans friends today and reminds everyone of the amazing people that make up the trans community.

We hope to expand our trans focussed activities at Levenshulme Pride this year working in collaboration with other organisations including Sparkle.

No Outsiders: LGBT teaching in schools Public Meeting

Over the last few weeks there have been demonstrations at Parkfield School in Birmingham with people objecting to any LGBT content in the curriculum. The specific programme objected to is run under the banner of “No Outsiders”. It covers a wide range of topics such as race, ethnicity, religion, identity, safety and different families a well as an understanding of LGBT people in the community. The overall theme is difference and diversity and all topics are taught in an age appropriate way.

This week a post was shared on Facebook about a meeting held at a business in Levenshulme also objecting to “LGBT being taught” in local schools. Videos and material posted showed a clear lack of understanding about what is being taught in schools as part of pupils’ personal development. The fact such a meeting has taken place with completely false allegations being made has caused considerable consternation and even fear in our community. That is not acceptable.

To counter the misinformation being spread in our community we will be organising a public meeting so people can better understand the reality of the situation and not rely on incorrect rumours being spread.

Levenshulme is a multicultural home to people with all kinds of beliefs. The mutual support, tolerance and understanding within our community must not be undermined by ignorance and groups attacking each other. That can only lead to tensions, distrust and fear.

Levenshulme Pride is the largest community Pride in Manchester. We strive to be inclusive and welcoming to all regardless of any personal characteristic. Levenshulme Pride also strives to celebrate the diversity and difference within our community. Challenging misconceptions and promoting equality and respect for all LGBT people is at the heart of what we do. We started in response to a homophobic attack and we will continue to resist attacks on the LGBT community through celebration, community cohesion, information, education and acts of inclusion and understanding.

Further information and details of the meeting will be announced as soon as arrangements are confirmed.