Sponsorship & Advertising

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are now open for Levenshulme Pride 2024.

We want as many people, community groups and businesses to be involved as possible.

You can show your support as a sponsor or take out an advert in our brochure. All sponsorship levels automatically include advertising. The brochure is full colour A5 with copies distributed around Levenshulme including at all venues and in Manchester city centre to ensure maximum promotion and publicity.

Sponsorship and advertising options are listed below. If you are interested in sponsorship or advertising please email us at: support@levenshulmepride.org.uk

You can also call to discuss sponsorship or advertising opportunities: 07518602723

Social media promotionXXX
Website listingXXX
Brochure listingXXX
Advert in brochurefull page1/2 page1/4 page
Dedicated social media promotionXXX
Dedicated website promotionXX 
Party Pack (Bunting & flags) XX 
Logo on bannersX  
Logo on brochure coverX  
 Brochure Advertising full page 1/2 page 1/4 page
The Levenshulme Pride brochure is A5, full colour, silk printed on high quality paper.
Levenshulme Pride sponsorship options

Special thanks to our 2024 sponsors (listed below) and advertisers (throughout the brochure). Without this financial support Levenshulme Pride would not be possible. Please give particular thanks to these businesses, groups and organisations. You can see all past sponsors HERE.

Levenshulme Pride 2024 Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor
